
Get notified of Spectacle on it’s launch over at kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spectacleeye

Seth joins us to talk about Spectacle coming to kickstarter soon. A Jack Kirby inspired module for Troika! the RPG.

Our Sponsor Brooklet Games: https://brookletgames.com/

Spectacle will be popping up here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spectacleeye/spectacle-0https://seth-ian.itch.io/

Check out what Seth has out here: https://seth-ian.itch.io/

The new pamphlet adventure red eye at 4000 feet here: https://seth-ian.itch.io/red-eye-at-40000-feet

Check out the post with the OSE Sailor Class here: https://oracular-somnambulist.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-sailor.html?m=1

Principles of Thinking Adventures by Luke Gearing: https://lukegearing.blot.im/the-principles-of-thinking-adventures

Author, Actor, Audience from Less Than Three Games: https://www.lessthanthreegames.com/blog/2020/05/04/author-actor-audience/

Check out Seth visiting the Wobblies & Wizards Podcast:

We also reviewed one of Seth’s Previous works here:

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