Theory is to be engaged with. It changes over time. If you cling to it as dogma, you have religion not science.
By omitting the fact that he – an organism like any other – is observing, he gives a false air of objectivity to the results of his observation. As soon as we remember the possible fallibility of the observer, we have introduced the serpent into the behaviorist’s paradise. The serpent whispers doubts, and has no difficulty in quoting scientific scripture for the purpose.
– Bertrand Russell
Knowing why we know is just the beginning step of knowing. Understanding what we do not understand, embracing the reality of our own uncertainty is how we come closer to certainty. This is why we seek the history of knowledge and study the philosophy of knowledge. We should always be learning. Seeking understanding over belief brings us closer to understanding.
Some of the fragments in this may have been intended as portions of a larger piece I have been working on and may be seen again. It is likely that they will have been revised and changed if they make it to the larger work. I hope you will engage the entries and contemplate. Consider and question. I am likely to alter what I understand as I gain greater understanding.
We must understand the confusion of our own minds, and how we form self within society. We look at metaphysics not to find a metaphysics, but to understand the errs with which our though functions so we may better understand what we do not understand. Philosophy is not scripture. Scripture should not be scripture. It is the engagement of ideas, a toolbox to help us think.

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